5 Tips For The Perfect Way To Store Your Ground Coffee For Maximum Freshness

5 Must-Read Tips To Keep Your Coffee at Maximum Freshness!

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If you’re a coffee lover, you’ll probably want to keep a variety of your favorite roasts on hand and end up needing to store coffee grinds, but you want to keep them at maximum freshness.

One of the keys to enjoying a great cup of coffee is ensuring that the beans are fresh. Over time, coffee beans can lose their flavor and aroma, resulting in a less-than-optimal cup of coffee.

Different drinks require different grinds or roasts, after all, and you want it to have the best flavor possible if you’re putting in the time to make a good cup of coffee!

However, it’s important to note that coffee is perishable and that the freshest beans make the best-tasting cup. Therefore, it’s important to know how to keep your coffee fresh for as long as possible. Here are some tips to help you keep your coffee fresh and flavorful.

Trying to figure out which coffee roast is best for you? Check out our guide here!

Choose Whole Beans

When it comes to the ultimate in freshness, whole coffee beans are always preferable to pre-ground varieties. You’ll achieve the best flavor by grinding the beans yourself immediately prior to brewing.

Grinding leads to faster oxidizing of coffee, giving it a bitter or flat taste. For the best flavor, beans are definitely the ideal choice.

Store in a Cool, Dry Place

Coffee beans are best stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat. The ideal storage temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sunlight breaks down the natural properties of your coffee beans, so always be sure to store them someplace dark. In addition, cool temperatures are best for maintaining freshness. However, room temperature is generally fine, as the refrigerator is too cool and also steals the flavor and aroma from your beans. A dark cupboard or corner of your counter is a great place to store your coffee.

Avoid storing coffee beans in warm or humid conditions. This will cause them to spoil more rapidly. Coffee beans are best stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat. The ideal storage temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Avoid storing your coffee in the fridge or freezer, as the moisture and fluctuating temperatures can cause the beans to lose their flavor, as well as dry out the oils from the beans.

Make Use of a Coffee Bean Storage Bag

It is also important to keep your coffee beans sealed in an airtight container. This will help to prevent the coffee from losing its flavor and aroma. If you are using a bag of coffee, be sure to squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing it shut. You can also transfer your coffee to an airtight container to help keep it fresh.

If you’re not inclined to grind your own beans or don’t have the time, you can always use a coffee bean storage bag. These bags are specifically designed to keep coffee fresh and odorless, making them an ideal choice for busy people. Simply place desired amount of beans into the bag and seal it uptight. Then store the bag in a cool, dry place.

Our Pick
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Veken Airtight Stainless Steel Coffee Canister

Coffee canisters help maintain the freshness of your coffee beans by keeping air out and free of harmful oxidation with a one-way CO2 valve and 100% BPA-free silicone rubber seal.

Don’t Buy Too Much

Another way to keep your coffee fresh is to only buy as much as you will use within a few weeks. Coffee beans start to lose their flavor and aroma as soon as they are roasted, so it is best to buy small amounts of coffee and use it up quickly. This will ensure that you are always enjoying fresh, flavorful coffee.

While it’s great to have your favorites on hand, you don’t want to go overboard. Experts agree that it’s best to consume your coffee within two weeks of purchase because coffee beans start to slowly lose their defining properties immediately after the beans are roasted.

While it may be tempting to stock up on those super sales, having lots of bags of coffee stored that won’t keep really isn’t much of a bargain. 

coffee bean storage for freshness

Keep It Airtight

Exposure to air contributes to the degradation of coffee’s freshness, so it’s imperative that you keep your beans in an airtight container. The bag you bought them in is fine if it has a strong seal. However, many do not. A glass jar with a tight fitting lid will do the job if you want to ensure longer-lasting quality. 

There you have it! Five tips for keeping your ground java as fresh as possible. These are the basic tips to properly store coffee at home. Just a bit of care and preparation will help to ensure your favorite morning beverage always tastes its best.

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